I wonder that I just one of the teenagers in this universe, who share their life story as the outlined in blog.
So now, I start to do same thing because I think the world must know my story hahahahahahahahahah (exist banget dah)
Okay, I'm Andi Annisa Cahyani Asri but I give you two choice to call me as a friend there's Cipit or Gadis. Actually, I have a lot of nickname but for sure many people call or know me as Cipit and Gadis, but this blog wouldn't just tell you about my nickname. This blog will tell you a lot of story in my life. I know may it's to usual for all of you, but trust me I have a lot of story who will make you feel bored or interested. The contains of this blog it's a true story about my life and my experiences.
So, before I start my stories I will give a description of my self. It will help you to know the beginning of my story I guess :P (padahal cuma mau eksis) For make it easy you can see this picture :D
Andi Annisa Cahyani Asri
Yah, that's me with my shirt :p
Okay, conversation bahasa Inggrisnya sampe sini ye. Nah, kayanya foto diatas udah jelasin ciri-ciri wajah gue. To be honest, gue punya body yang hampir slim bak model di American Top model dan Miss Universe gitu wkwkwkwwkwkwkwkwkw :D (so' ngelucu)
Kalau diperatiin foto diatas mirip foto orang yang mau ngapain gitu --
But that's me, jadi bisa disimpulkan dari foto diatas kalau gue itu punya mata yang gg besar seperti orang asli melayu kebanyakan, yang membuat saya mendapatkan nama nickname Cipit waktu gue baru masuk SMA dilingkungan yang baru. (jadi ini sejarah asal-mula gw dipanggil Cipit, kayanya bisa jadi drama kolosal nih :p)
Satu tambahan lagi, gue ini udah pacaran sama Tsubasa 10 tahun (ngarep, ngartiin aja ya)
I think perkenalan gajenya kita pending dulu sampe sini ya, let me enjoy my sweet or lonely satnite with my lappie (panggilan sayang buat laptop gue). Oh iya, aku punya beberapa sosmed kalau berminat bisa di follow sama di add ;
facebook : Achi Sachi Edhogawa
instagram : medhogawa
line : medhogawa
twitter : medhogawa
Nanti, ceritanya bakalan gue buat lebih panjang dan lebih seru maklumin ya kalau masih gaje dan rada alay. Nantikan post selanjutnya ya :D
Thanks for read :3